ZARIOT, Crypto Quantique and Kigen team-up to provide zero-touch certified security for all cellular IoT devices

As an award-winning, global cellular IoT connectivity provider, ZARIOT leverages our extensive experience to integrate both in-house and innovative partner features in the SIM. Transforming the SIM from a vital but underutilized asset, into a secure, intelligent, independent processor.

Our aim is to give IoT the full flexibility to build bespoke solutions. Balancing features, functionality, and usability, with uncompromising cyber resilience.

Working together with Kigen and Crypto Quantique has enabled us to achieve precisely that. Together, we provide zero-touch, secure communication for device on-boarding. Verifiable from SIM manufacturer through to data transmission across the entire solution.

With all our SIMs, ZARIOT utilizes Kigen’s fully certified facilities in both manufacture – GSMA Security Accreditation Scheme for UICC Production (SAS-UP), and management – GSMA Security Accreditation Scheme for Subscription Management (SAS-SM). These regularly audited programs guarantee supply chain security, as well as support our customers own device certification processes.

ZARIOT also leverage the benefits of the GSMA’s IoT-SAFE program, an initiative which Kigen plays an integral role. Our close partnership has allowed us to extend IoT-SAFE SIM features in novel ways. Allowing us to seamlessly build from the initial framework to maximise the SIM’s potential for authentication, encryption, and much more.

ZARIOT’s SIM expertise has allowed us to deploy the Crypto Quantique solution directly on a non-volatile area of the SIM. Giving cellular IoT native access to their technology for the first time.

Kigen’s IoT-SAFE is used as a root-of-trust. Together with the embedded code baseline from Crypto Quantique, it can fully secure connections between: 1) device(s), 2) Crypto Quantique’s QuarkLink security management platform, and the 3) enterprise’s data centre or cloud service provider.

The SIM can also be used as an alternative to Crypto Quantique’s industry leading QDID – a dedicated secure element – designed to protect even at the point of Quantum computing supremacy. Both fulfil different roles within a diverse IoT estate, complimenting each other and creating a consolidated cross function and cross network solution. Removing administrative complexities, speeding deployment, and simplifying end-to-end data security.



As an award-winning cellular IoT connectivity provider, ZARIOT has opened our network to innovation. Providing IoT developers with the necessary tools and functions to add features, flexibility, and security for bespoke IoT solutions. We achieve this using our in-house technical expertise and growing ecosystem of partners, enabling us to bring new participants and use cases to market faster, while ensuring security and regulatory compliance remains at the root of any solution.


About Crypto Quantique

Crypto Quantique is the first software and IP (Intellectual Property) company to create true end-to-end IoT security products that can be seamlessly integrated throughout the entire supply chain, from the design of the chip, to enabling a secure connection for devices to the cloud. It has partnerships with large semiconductor companies including STMicroelectronics, Microchip, and Renesas and with large OEMs like Wurth Elektronik. Crypto Quantique is headquartered in London, UK, and has offices in the US, Europe, and Taiwan.


About Kigen 

Kigen makes the future of securing connectivity simple. Together with partners and customers, they unlock new opportunities as (integrated) eSIM becomes the cornerstone of security for connected devices. Their industry-leading SIM OS products enable over 2.5 billion SIMs, and their remote SIM provisioning and eSIM services drive this momentum further, placing Kigen among the top 5 SIM vendors globally. Kigen holds a vision of a world where every device can connect securely and reliably.

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